My Portfolio.
Using my skills to pay the bills.
Metabolic's mission is to transition the global economy to a fundamentally sustainable state. To do this, the power of storytelling plays a key role. By joining the Comms team, I contributed to the content engine to inspire, engage and convince changemakers.
It wasn’t only my true education into circular systems, but also a platform for experimenting with storytelling in sharing the complexity and beauty of #systemsthinking with the rest of the world. Always driving home the message: Systems change is very possible, and very necessary.
My passion for content creation blossomed when actively running a YouTube and Instagram channel for four years. Getting to connect and share content with a 31k community was my true school in storytelling.
Even though the themes and objects in front of my lens have changed since then, my enthusiasm for creative content hasn’t. I currently put my content creation skills to the test by managing several social media accounts and creating video content for brands such as the Applied University of Utrecht and AIFS Educational Travel. Being behind and in front of the camera makes this one-woman-show a thrill.